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Friday, July 7, 2023

Shenandoah Valley Campground (6/30-7/4)

Friday, June 30, 2023



The only thing that makes camping better is when friends or family visit you at camp. Matthew came over for the evening and I made Apple Camp Cobbler. I had not made one in several years, it was delicious.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

We had two Sams Hot Dogs leftover from supper the night before, so we made breakfast sandwhiches with them. Egg, cheese, avocado and Sams Hot Dogs, they were pretty good.

After breakfast, we walked from our end of the campground to the other end, where the waterfall is. They also have man-made rock barriers up to catch the tubers as they come down the river.

We left to spend the day with Matthew and help him around his house. When we got there, he informed us that the air conditioner in his dining room had gone out, and he needed to run out and get another one. We were able to help him get it installed in his window and the cold air was nice. After eating lunch, we started work on his plaque. We used D-rings and 75# test wire to get this thing hung on the wall, but we did it.
When we left Matthews, it had started raining, but once we were in the truck, the bottom fell out. We drove to Chick-fil-A to pick up 2 fillets for breakfast Sunday morning, and then we drove to Factory Antique Mall in Verona, VA. We shopped in the store until 6pm, when they closed. It is a huge Antique Mall and if you like this sort of stuff, it is worth the trip.

Back at camp, we decided to go ahead with supper since we were both hungry. We had Chicken Alfredo and it was delicious. 
Camp Chicken Alfredo
Serves: 2
1-1/4 cup milk
1/4 olive oil
1 packet Knorr Alfredo sauce
1 can chicken breast
1 can Palmini linguine noodles
1 bag Green Giant seasoned broccoli
Preparation Steps
1. Mix milk, oil and Knorr packet and whisk
2. Put in pan and bring to a boil
3. Add chicken, noodles and broccoli
4. Stir until boiling
5. Turn on low and cover for about 5 minutes or until thickened


After dinner, we decided to play the putt-putt course in the campground. We enjoyed the course and had fun picking at each other. 


After our game, we walked a bit before going back to our site. We decided not to make a fire, since it was so hot, but we wanted s'mores. We decided to use our small camp stove and it roasted the marshmallows but the fire would have been better. Afterward, we just relaxed and enjoyed the night.

Sunday, July 2, 2023


For breakfast we used our Chick-fil-A chicken and added an egg and avocado to make a nice wrap.



We attended Sunday Service at Providence Baptist Church, this is where Matthew is a member. Since we were celebrating Matthews birthday, we asked him where he would like to eat, so we ended up at Vitos Italian Kitchen. I had pizza, Matthew had Shrimp Scampi and Amy had lasagna

After leaving Matthew, we traveled to Mt. Solon VA and visited the Natural Chimneys Park. These rock formations are a wonder to see and I highly recommend.

There is a 1/4 mile hiking trail to the overlook at the top of the Chimneys. This trail is steep and the day we took it, muddy from the rain.

From the overlook, you can see the tops of the Chimneys. There are trees and bushes growing out of the rock formations, I just thought that was fascinating. It was clear enough this day to see houses on the far mountain side. 

There is a fire road that goes to the overlook as well, and we took it down instead of traversing the muddy trail. 

We came back to camp and had our Sunday night sandwich and started our first fire for the weekend. 

It was nice to sit by the fire and roast marshmallows for s'mores. 

The moon was really bright this night and we just sat and watched it.

Monday, July 3, 2023

For breakfast, I had my oatmeal and Amy had a wrap.


Our first stop of the day was the Rockfish Gap Country Store in Afton VA. If we are in the area, this is a must stop and see place. Lots of antiques and home goods that you will not find in Walmart.

Our next stop was to see my daughter and her family. We were able to play with our grandbaby and I helped my son-in-law lay flooring in his house.

We got back to camp and cooked our dinner. We had beans and slaw left over from Friday and I cooked a Turkey sausage to have with it. It was good eating.

After dinner, I went fishing in the lake. I thought about my grandfather, who used to take me with him to all kinds of ponds to fish when I was a kid.
The views that evening were amazing.

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

I cooked Amy some eggs and bacon while I had oatmeal again. On the way home, we stopped at a Sheetz and took advantage of their sale on gas, $1.77 a gallon.

Review of Campground

  1. Reservations
    • Make them ahead of time because between Memorial and Labor Day spaces are hard to get.
    • Click HERE for their website
  2. Activities
    • This playground is in front of the main office

    • Arcade and game tables in a building in back of office
    • There is a putt-putt course and it only cost $1 a person per game, putters can be rented in the office.
    • There are horseshoe pits, Free

    • Very nice Pool

    • Another playground in the upper area behind the office.

    • Nice lake that you can fish for trout (limit 3) and catch & release on all other fish

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