Pages to Check Out

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Clinch River State Park

Clinch River State Park, June 26, 2024

We arrived at Clinch River State Park about 10am and since the park is being developed, we had to park on the road behind the waste water plant next to Oxbow Lake. You walk across the dam and make a left and you will see the park signs. They have trail maps there as well. The only trial, at this time, is the Sugar Hill Loop Trail and that is what we took.

Ruins of a French Settlement and there is also a porta-john here at this site.

Next to the Settlement is a Trail Shelter where you can catch your breath and eat lunch or a snack.


On our hike we saw many deer, one even laying asleep on the ground, before we spooked it. We came on a milk snake (video below) and a box turtle.

Trail is a beautiful walk.

A portion of the trail overlooks the train track, but we did not get to see the train.


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