Monday, September 2, 2024

Myrtle Beach State Park, 8/30-9/2 2024


Friday, 8/30/2024

First day we have to make our traditional walk to the beach and get our selfie.

While walking, Amy picked up a Sea Star and it was still alive, so we put it back in the water.

We had upside down pizza for dinner. Even though it looked bad, it tasted really good.

Spent the night around the fire and just relaxed.


Saturday, 8/31/2024

Started the morning with journaling, reading our devotional and scripture along with a cup of coffee.

We had a wrap for breakfast.

Amy wanted to go to the beach and it was a beautiful day. 

Before she took her seat, we walked to the pier and was stopped by Jake and his surf buddies. They were photographing the Coastal Carolina Surf Club and wanted my picture with a surf board. 

While Amy sunned, I went back to camp and did some reading.

After lunch, we visited the Nature Center and was able to watch them feed the snakes and toads.

We then rode our bikes along the trail and boardwalk to the State Park Pier. We were able to walk on the pier and we enjoyed that. 

We watched a shark as it swam and fed on schools of fish. I did see a horseshoe crab, but could not get a picture of it. On the way back we sat on a shaded bench and just talked. 

For supper we had Pineapple Chicken.

That evening, we decided to spend it watching the ocean instead of the fire.

Sunday, 9/1/2024

This was a very eventful day for us, and an emotional one. For personal and privacy reasons we will not go into the details except to say, it was all good.

We attended worship service at Friendship Baptist Church and Pastor Matt preached from Isaiah 41:10 about "Why Fear when God says Fear Not". That verse is one of my favorite verses and it helped me through a rough time. After service we went to the Christmas Mouse, and then filled up with gas at Walmart. We did some shopping at Market Commons and ended the afternoon with dinner with our friend Denise at Nacho Hippo. We decided to spend the evening at the ocean again, instead of the fire. We took down camp so we could head out early on Monday. We talked to our Indian neighbors, Viro and Soni before we turned in.