We left home about 9:15 and was eating at River City Cafe at 2pm. We went on to the KOA and set up our campsite at cabin 25. David, Amy and Noah arrived about 4pm and while they set up their camp Amy and I went to the beach. We walked around for a bit and came on back to camp. Noah gave me a key fob that he wove out of nylon rip cord and I immediately put it on my key ring. David Hylton cooked ribs, squash, asparagus, and beans for supper. We went to Broadway on the Beach after dinner and shopped awhile and then watched fireworks. While sitting here typing this blog, our neighbors brought us a bundle of wood they had not used because they were leaving in the morning. So far it has been a good weekend.
This morning Amy and I decided to sleep in because we had such a long day on Friday. I was up first and went ahead and got dressed and went to Walmart. I got the groceries we would need for today and tomorrow. Came back got Amy up and started to cook breakfast. For breakfast, we had sausage, eggs, fresh apple, and strawberries. After we cleaned up the dishes Amy got dressed and headed to the beach. I stayed behind and continued reading the book, Good to Great by Jim Davis. After reading a couple of chapters I put on my swim trunks and made my way to the beach. Splashed around for a while with Amy and Noah and then walked for a while. I came on back to camp and I'm waiting now for the others to return.
Since rains were headed in for the evening, we decided to go ahead with our planned meal and just eat early. I started a fire with free firewood given to us by a neighbor who left early in the morning. While the fire was getting started I put the green beans in on to cook and they simmered for about 1 hour. After the fire had died down to only coals, I added one small stick to give off some flame, and then put the NY Strips on the grill to cook. We had NY Strip steaks, mashed potato, green beans and rolls. Sister brought some cantaloupe and we had fudge rounds for dessert.

After our meal, we all rode in David Hylton's Suburban to Barefoot Landing and walked around there for quite awhile. I went in the had store there, the Carolina Hat Company, and they have the hats like I wear now. The Key West Hat Company at Broadway closed last year. Amy and I had ice cream at the shop we like and we both had a hard time eating it before it melted.
Once we left Barefoot Landing we were all a little hungry but did not want a lot to eat. We talked the Hylton's into TGIFridays and Tennesse Whiskey Cake. Amy and I had a salad and split one of the cakes, it was really good. We left TGIFriday's and went to SteinMart and looked around until the closed at 9pm. We left and went back to camp and went straight to bed, we were all tired.
This morning we had a light breakfast, just sausage biscuits and sliced apple and strawberries. Afterward, we showered and changed for church. Friendship Baptist Church was full this morning and the Pastor preached from James 1. After the service, we went to Paula Deens new restaurant and ate lunch. We had fried chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes, squash casserole, creamed corn and black eyed peas. We were all very full when we 'waddled out' of the place and I will recommend it to anyone. Amy and I went to Tanger Outlet and shopped around for awhile. After shopping it was after six and raining, so we decided to go see Wonder Woman at the theater. After the movie, we went back to camp and noticed a lot of tents across the road. After looking around more I noticed the familiar setup of a scout camp. I walked across the way and struck up a conversation with the adults and they were a Troop for Statesville NC and was spending the week in Myrtle. I offered them the unused firewood we had and they said they would send a scout over to pick up the firewood in the morning. Amy and I turned in for the night and were exhausted.

I was up early this morning and started packing up the camp. Fortunately, the rain had stopped but the ground was really soaked. I asked Amy is she wanted to walk on the beach and she did, so we drove down and parked. We walked and picked up seashells while watching the sun come up. It was a beautiful sunrise and we enjoyed watching God create artwork in the heavens.
We shared our breakfast with the Hyltons and it consisted of eggs, bacon, sausage, and rolls. After breakfast, the Hyltons left for home and we continued packing up. A scout from the camp across the road came by and picked up the extra firewood I had offered and he had to come back, after being reprimanded, to say thanks.
After we checked out, we left for Tanger outlet on 501 and shopped there until about 1pm. We ate at Bojangles and left for home at 2pm. We got home with only making one stop at a station in SC and arrived home around 6:30pm.